Monday 4 August 2014

Milan | The Journey Concluded

There is no place like home. 

Whether you live with your family, or away in student halls or you've taken a leap abroad - or like me, you did all three, when you find a place that encompasses comfort and heart, you know you're home. I never believed that this time last year I would have packed my bags and left what was my wonderful small town in the country and flown to Italy for five months to embark on a short-lived journey that opened my eyes and gave me the taste for freedom I so desperately desired. 

I admit that I did not sign up to the Erasmus programme - as exciting as it was - to go and study fashion in Milan. Nor did I sign up to learn the language or indulge in the Italian culture, though both were incredible bonuses. I signed up quite simply, because I wanted to prove to myself, and my doubtful peers that I could throw myself spontaneously into another world and adapt to another lifestyle without preparation, without thorough thought and without strings holding me back. I wanted to show off my new fearless yearnings by demonstrating that even such a small step out of my comfort zone could bring to me new leases of life, new ideas and ambitions, new creativity, new appetites and new perspectives.

Although moving away from home is something a lot of young people embark on, and for far longer periods of time, I wanted to share with you what this trip actually meant to me; what this adventure brought me and why to this date, it was the best decision I ever made.

Over the past few years I’ve been stuck in a bit of a battle between who I am and who I adhere to be. I’ve had things thrown in my path that I’ve learnt to walk around, and in some cases, leap over. But every fear and every problem burdened is one to be conquered. The trouble was, anxiety got the better of me and I didn’t know how to conquer them. I began to struggle to see the light in situations that usually I could laugh off and I felt people pressuring me to become someone I didn’t want to be. And so when the opportunity arose to leave it all behind and start again in a new country I couldn’t shake the idea until it became a reality. I won’t lie, it was hard. A new life no matter how small of a period it is your new life for is a difficult adjustment. But it gave me the confidence, independence and sheer determination to explore and discover not only the amazing and exuberant country it is, but also what it brought out in me. And what I found was exactly what I had been looking for; Inspiration and purpose.

I met some of the most incredible people whilst I was out there, and every single person taught me something different, every single person gave me something that I could bring back to my home, in my country and use in my everyday life.  One of my closest companions taught me that no matter what happens, a smile or a laugh can be the best medicine for hurt, and now I find it hard to not smile and think about them whenever I feel a little lost. There are many things I learnt, and it wasn’t all academic, at times it wasn’t always noted and relevant, but to come away from such an awe-inspiring experience with as much or as little as a few friends and five months’ worth of extraordinary memories, well, that is far more valuable than anything I could have learnt in the classroom.

If you’re reading this and thinking, ‘wow, deep’ then yeah, I’m having a little moment, so bare with me; I have no regrets, every move I made meant I grew up and moved forward. If you have ever felt like you’ve strayed a little (or a lot) from what you suppose is your anticipated path of life, don’t strive to fall back onto the concrete, but walk a little further into the uneasy abyss and consider yourself a wanderer, a traveller of destiny, and build a new path.

For if you enjoy the journey and end up in a state of contentment; that is home. Home for me is not a place in particular, but more a destination and a state of mind. Milan became my home, leaving was inevitably hard, but I came back to England with a more extensive and stimulating vision of the world. Go, if you have the chance go, if you’re scared if you’re unsure, take a chance and do something you couldn’t imagine yourself doing, it opens doors it opens your mind and it opens your heart to experiences that so many people don’t have the opportunity or perhaps the guts to grasp by the horns.

For now however, England is comfortable – I shall soon be heading into my final year of University and after that who knows? America? Thailand? Australia?

Dorothy never spoke such wiser words.

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