Tuesday 30 September 2014

London September 2014

During the last week of the Summer I took a trip down to the capital to partake in some cultural activities with my Londoner friend acting as a tour guide. I wanted to visit the markets and vintage shops around Shoreditch and Camden to gain inspiration for my original dissertation idea that focused on the thrift experience.

During the last week of the Summer I took a trip down to the capital to partake in some cultural activities with my little Londoner friend acting as a tour guide. I wanted to visit the markets and vintage shops around Shoreditch and Camden to gain inspiration for my original dissertation idea that focused on the thrift experience.

These are some of photographs I took from my motivational visit including a couple of the inside of the ‘Rainforest Café’ which then inspired my new and current dissertation theme of experiences enhanced by the stimulation of the senses. The Rainforest Café uses animatronics to move large scale animal puppets located inside the restaurant including two elephants and several birds and monkeys to create a jungle atmosphere. As well as the mechanical animals and their typical noises, sound and lighting is used to create thunderstorms every half an hour, completely changing the atmosphere and alerting diners to take part in the theatrical environment.  

I do love London, and I managed to acquire cheap train tickets which really should encourage me to go down and visit more often. I used to go most years to the theatre or with my family to do all the typical touristy things like the Dungeons and the Eye. It's a wonderful city that I definitely need to make more time for.

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